Basic selfbondage techniques and devices
The Alternative
Clock Release


This shows the alternative clock release method.
This method uses a clock with a small cylinder instead of the arms.
Just remove the arms and glue a cylinder in its place.
The small containers for ordinary camera film are perfect for this.
Ask your local photo shop if you can have some. They are usually drowning in them.
Xatm092 from the forum shows his clock release:
(Please note that this is a mirrored clock, do not get confused.)

Puppydogbytes from the forum adds the following warning:
I built one this years ago and while I was testing it (I'm not completely stupid.) I found that the clock mechanism was fine lowering a pot with some keys in it was not strong enough to raise them. ie from midnight till 4 was fine but starting at 9o'clock the keys just stayed there....

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